We are experiencing interesting times… Just to mention climate changes and we can talk forever… because this is what we do, we talk a lot, we opine, we advocate on social networks and then we go back to the old habits that we say we should improve or change. The creator of the Chiramó brand does not just advocate for nature and for consumer education on Facebook, she does not only post wise slogans about ecology and green life, but she also acts in this respect through her products and by the philosophy behind these creations:
Go green!! Wear paper jewelry! Initially, I was fascinated by being able to recycle paper and turn a common material into an ornament to be worn with love. I was glad that I could offer an ecological, sustainable alternative for this aspect of our life. If I were to detail a bit, I would add here a mini-guide for wise consumption, designed by Carmen Gui, the founder of Food Waste Combat, a guide that, I can say, also expresses the “philosophy of life” of Chiramó jewelry: 1. Do you really need this? 2. If you have identified a need, what kind of need is it? Does it nourish your stomach or your soul? Or does it nourish your ego? 3. What is the item that you are going to buy made of? Is it natural, ethical or local? 4. How many miles did it travel until it reached you? How much did it pollute, under what conditions was it shipped to you? 5. What happens to that object after you no longer need it? Can it be donated, can it be reused in another product? Will it be thrown away? If yes, is it recyclable? – (Carmen Gui – interview on live.maibine.org).
Nine summers ago, I spent a week on a pontoon on the Danube, in Brăila, an interwar city, featuring Panait Istrati’s imprint and organizer of an international opera festival. The Danube cliff was invariably embracing you in a dream, with the decrepitude of the banks and the floating PET bottles. Perhaps, it is not by accident that the story of the brand was born precisely in the elegant city on the Danube’s shore: It had been two years since I was trying to change the old name, The Mistique Moth, and it still wasn’t clear what was needed… At one point, I felt that I had to look for roots in my hometown: Brăila. The things of the heart for me in Brăila are the Danube and Panait Istrati. And, when I managed to catch this thread, things sorted out by themselves… Istrati – Chira Chiralina – Chiramó! Chiramó comes from the Greek “kyrámu”, which means “my lady” and when I read the explanation of the word in the dictionary (“it is a reason to work this way, and do not rush as there are reasons that you are not aware of…”) I knew I didn’t have to look any further.
The logo is as good as it can be; it has that poetic air, that air that you just catch on the shore of a water: The logo is made by my dear friend in Iași, Cristina, who gets my heartfelt acknowledgements and gratitude for the Oranjerie logo😊. Of course, we had discussed together previously, but she illustrated the idea more beautifully than I was able to explain. Every time!
Maybe all the things that we lose along with the revenge of nature from recent times have made us somehow more aware of the environment around us and of its complexity, its fragility, and in the end, it can take us back to a more natural understanding of the way we live: The man was endowed with the skill and provided with all the necessary materials to be able to create all his necessities in life. From the house, the table, the mug, the spoon, the clothes, the shoes… In the past, they were all handmade and the man knew the joy, the fulfillment and the freedom through them. It is a skill that we are losing more and more and, with it, we are also losing our freedom, fulfillment and joy. I try to keep these moods and here lies my motivation. I really liked the presentation that Anca Milchiș made to the Chiramó jewelry at the Handmade Transilvania festival – “Products created in peace, with joy, out of love and respect for nature” And for people, I would add. Of all these, peace is the most important! Because the others spring from it.
How do we get to Chiramó products?
Chiramó jewelry can be purchased online (in Romania, on the Facebook page Chiramó. Paper Jewelry or, internationally, on etsy.com) as well as at the craft fairs organized in Cluj-Napoca. I always announce the events I want to attend on my Facebook page.
In the near future, I will attend Handmade Transylvania, February 28 – March 1, Casino, Central Park.
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/ChiramoPaperJewelry/
Etsy: https://www.etsy.com/shop/ChiramoJewelry?ref=seller-platform-mcnav
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/chiramopaperjewelry/?hl=it
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.it/chiramojewelry/
Go Green! Wear Paper Jewelry! 😉
Hassium by Anca B.