Ioana's Map

Ioana’s Map scrutinizes the artistic environment from the perspective of a practicing painter, shaping an adventurous, subjective and assumed route through studios and workshops, in an effort to identify the creative mechanisms that set it in motion.

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LOOP/ Memo 8

”Personally I see only the advantages in this business… having someone to take a coffee break and have a good laugh with… being able to get good pieces of advice or criticism in real time… always finding the door open when you get to the studio 😊."

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Anca Bodea

I can't guarantee that I will deliver unanimously intelligible and coherent content, much less palpable or round, although I admire artists who succeed in this.

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Flaviu Moldovan

I never get bored of art. I've known it for 20 years, and I'm still discovering many drawers and aspects of it. I'm sorry that art is still not as desirable as other things. But it will be!

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Monica Dan

I think the environment we live in has a pretty big influence on artistic practice. I think the environment we live in has a pretty big influence on artistic practice. Drawing was a way of observing and becoming aware that I have often associated with different things, experiences or feelings.

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Magdi&Cătă / LUT

We believe in the beauty of imperfect, temporary and incomplete things; in the beauty of modest and unconventional things.

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Marius Bodea

The space where I work doesn’t matter as long as I have colors, canvas and there’s no rain.

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Doina Stici

The vessel is built around the void. I am not actually planting anything it in the pot, but I am creating the conditions for the existence/development of the plant inside it, for this I mold a suitable shape, I texture the surface, I give it color.

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Carmencita Brojboiu

Indeed, the Theater is my studio. Regardless of the theater I am in at any given moment, I always relate to it in a special, different, particular way; and this is always greatly defined by the connection established between us, by the space, the atmosphere, and the people "inhabiting" it.

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Dan Măciucă

I seek neither political truth nor to do justice, because it is not the case and I am not the right person for it; I do not want to protest or criticize the socio-political system using this language. I believe that my role is only to poetise, through color, gesture and composition, the moment in which and the place where I survive.

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Valentin Ionescu & Andrei Ciurdărescu

Three essential things about art from your perspective: the good, the bad and the ugly? The good: there is art. The bad: there is pseudo-art. The Ugly: the second category is often more appreciated.

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Smaranda Almășan

Fashion is my language and I try to feed on different areas, but it seems that I prefer a diet based on contemporary art and South American writers. The way I operate when I approach a new topic, a new collection, is constant and relies on a simplifying and minimizing of the line, of the shape of the final product.

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András Szabó

Ioana: Is there a question you wanted to answer but you did not get it? Andras: Have you ever regretted choosing this job? Ioana: And the answer? Andras: What a question ... I had no other choice :)

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Viviana Toșa

I choose jewelry because of the intimicy it has with the wearer. Because jewelry can be worn with joy and detachment, and when they go into the hands of those who have chosen and will wear them, they will acquire a new life, and be part of their own story.

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Vanessa Singezia

I love geometry and striking colors; as I already said, I like simple/intersected/cutout shapes ... and colors, of course.

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Ovidiu Leuce

I’m not waiting for inspiration to come, I prefer a certain discipline when I work, I like the daily routine of the workshop. Work remains the best vehicle to welcome surprise.

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Eugen Lazea

I'm working on a collection that I know right now is an illustration of melancholy and "shine" on a repetitive form of design. It's a phase of "stretching", modelling forms will take several hours of work!

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Ioana Olahuț

I always liked to wander through art studios, to spend long hours drinking coffee and telling stories, to sniff at bottles of varnish, to check out astringent terpinol and turpentine. My name is Ioana Olahuţ. This is my studio.