Because Everything…

Alex Mirutziu

Ana Blandiana

White Cuib

21th-27th february


Ovidiu Leuce

”The four poems by Ana Blandiana, “Totul”, “Cruciada Copiilor”, “Delimitari” and “Eu cred”, triggered a similar preoccupation regarding my identity, and that of our nation as a whole. From 2013 in diverse ways and mediums I tried to give an answer to the question of Why? Why we are the way we are?

Thirty-five years after Blandiana’s lucid picture of socialist Romania I arrive in similar spirit with “Because”, my own manifest, and as a footnote to the exhibition title I dare add (is too late) but not your ordinary “too late” but the one of Lucian Pintilie”

Alex Mirutziu


“Throughout this project four artists are invited to make a gesture of gratitude towards a person who inspired them during their artistic and human growth, who contributed to their way of creating, of thinking, of relating to others and themselves. For a week each participating artist engages in a simple and substantive dialogue with his or her guest; a natural conversation, without elocution, in this public space with an intimate dimension.

A series of exhibitions like the formal expressions of a meeting, of seemingly small and casual events that in time prove to have the force of fertile seeds in a fertile soil. Reflections on the possible transformations born out of encounters, on their capacity to create experiments, to unleash energies, to transform dreams in visions and visions in acts. Creative gestures that emanate the energy of conscious and profound individuals, active participants in the life of the community”

Ovidiu Leuce